We at Bansal Trading Company have an excellent pool of talent. With varied experience, expertise and point of views, we get amazing ideas from these ignited minds. We proudly share this knowledge to enable collaborative innovation and at the same time hoard it as a blog on our website. Our Rosetta Stone does not carve the extraordinary wisdom of a few as a showcase, but facilitates everyone at Bansal Trading Company to express and write, liberated, not to impress but to express. Anything that comes to their mind, beyond what they have mastered, as a lifelong learner.
Paraffin Oil for Hair a Brilliant Element: Paraffin oils are various blends of alkanes or saturated hydrocarbons. They are light, unscented, and vapid and are delivered by petroleum splitting or refining. The general arrangement recipe for Paraffin oils is CnH2n+2. Paraffin oil is a typical ingredient in skin and hair care items. Child moisturizers, cold creams, ointments, and cosmetics contain Paraffin oils as one of the fundamental fixings. Notwithstanding use in beauty care products, it has constrained use in the…
A synthetic resin is a chemical substance this is artificially created to mimic the traits of its naturally going on counterpart. Synthetic resins are noncrystalline or viscous liquids which might be secreted from paints. Synthetic resins are industrially manufactured via the manner of polymerization, which includes the introduction of chain-related polymers, allowing for extra stable, homogenous resulting structures than is found in naturally going on resins. Saturated Polyesters Unsaturated Polyesters Alkyds Epoxies Acrylics Vinyls Polyacetals Polyurathanes Amino resins Phenolic resins Rosin modified resin Maleic resins Ketonic Resins Isocynate adducts Polyamides Silicones Cellulose acetate Butyrate Nitrocellulose Hydroxy ethyl cellulose Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Chlorinated poly…
Resins are chemical compounds having molecular weight more than 300. It is possible to classify natural resins as spirit-soluble and oil-soluble. Oil-soluble resins include rosin, extracted from long-leaf pine turpentine and used in a wide range of applications, including soap making; the toughest natural resin produced in jewellery; Copals used in varnishes; amber; oriental lacquer, derived from a tree native to China; and cashew-nutshell oil, derived from cashew nuts. Resins have many sources and end uses. Sources can range from…
What are Pigments? A pigment is a kind of white, black or coloured fine powdery substance which is insoluble in mediums such as water or oil. Color Pigments are used in the production of many items like paint, coatings, etc and also in other industries. Where ever we see coloured objects that are man-made, we can assume that pigments have been used to give it colour. In paints, inks and coatings pigments are used in powder form and then grinded,…
Polyurethane resins are copolymers that form when an alcohol called polyol (each of its molecules contains 3 or more reactive hydroxyl groups) reacts with an isocyanate – (dual or polymeric) when appropriate additives and catalysts are introduced. A wide range of diisocyanates and polyols can be made to react for polyurethane resin production, and therefore, polyurethane resin uses are many and wide, and cut across a vast range of industries. Advantages of Polyurethane Resins Thanks to their composition and nature,…
Cosmetics raw materials are based on natural, synthetic or extracted roles of raw materials, heating processes, stirring and emulsified mixed chemical substances. Cosmetic Raw Materials is based on various materials and ingredients perform in accordance to the chemicals and its key functionalities. The properties and uses of the cosmetic materials are generally possible to be divided into two categories. The first is the principal raw ingredient of cosmetics. The primary function of cosmetics is that they are made in large…