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Philanthropic Activities


Bansal Trading Company is a family and wants to inculcate and adapt good habits in our home and our family members. Just like any other citizen of this great nation and an empathetic and concerned member of this lopsided society, we hope to make a small difference. If you are lucky enough to do well, its your responsibility to send the elevator back down. We wish we could heal the world, make it a better place, wipe tears and above…

Holistic Rural Development Program

Holistic Rural Development Program


Name of the Company: Bansal Trading Company Location: Pan- India Total Expenditure of the Project in FY 2017-18: INR 293.5 Cr. Prescribed CSR FY- 2017-18: INr 365 Cr. The continuing urbanization of India has indeed expanded opportunities for people. However, one cannot overlook the great decline that our agricultural sector has suffered. The lack of rainfall was plaguing villages with acute water shortage. The soil deprived of moisture, caused crop failure year after year, thereby plummeting people into extreme poverty….

Holistic Rural Development Program

10 CSR Projects in FY 2017-18


In the FY 2017-18, India has seen quite a number of interesting projects being implemented by the Corporate Houses, addressing various challenges prevailing in the society. This article is an effort to highlight some of the best projects, that aimed to bring a change in the life of the people. In the FY 2017-18, India has seen quite a number of interesting projects being implemented by the Corporate Houses, addressing various challenges prevailing in the society. This article is an…

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