I have been a pretty vocal advocate of the “The Law of Association”. Right from Aristotle to Robin Sharma have stressed upon the importance of knowing this law for growth. We are only as good as the people we surround ourselves with. Lets see what it professes.
To create world class results you absolutely must spend time with people whose lives you want to be living. Science has proven that “Mindsets & Emotions are Contagious”. If you hang out with energy vampires, B or C Players, people resigning themselves to mediocrity, you start thinking, feeling, behaving, operating and producing just like them. But when you make the choice to associate with “Elite Performers” those who are living world class lives, have risen to the 0.01% Financially, are Super Healthy and are seriously good human beings….their way of thinking, doing and performing start to “Unconsciously become your ways”.
So my strong encouragement is to take a good hard look at who you associate with. Starting today, my strong and respectful encouragement is that you have the guts to clean out associations that are toxic, limiting and demotivating…
Your productivity, wealth, fitness, mindset and family life will transform when you get this one thing flawlessly done.